July 2020 Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2020
Virtual Meeting began at 7:03pm
Attendance includes: Jessie Hayles, Steve Chess, Vanessa King, Dave Reyburn, Lori Meadors, Paul Brooks, Jackie Griffin, Crystal Page, Joe Folsom
Approval of Minutes:
June Minutes approved without changes
Administrator Report:
Vanessa has a new joinder to be filed
Re: QuickBooks, Vanessa no longer has access to QB, she is requesting for SWPOA to reimburse half the cost of her personal account to continue bookkeeping for us. Crystal motions to reimburse Vanessa for half the cost ($94.50). Paul seconds, all in favor.
See financial report – checking and money market acct total $53,584.90
Given pandemic situation with county stay-at-home orders, all in favor for Lori to continue to sign checks in order to pay bills on time.
Spectrum bill increased significantly ($126.97). This happened last year as well, was resolved with a phone call to reduce monthly bill. Lori agrees to follow up with Spectrum to see if they will continue to honor previous rate of $81.97.
Discussion regarding shopping for other internet providers, Jessie explained that the pool not having a registered address with USPS thus significantly limiting options for provider.
Steve noticed that crumbling areas of concrete had not been patched. Rocky (Elite) says that there are chunks of concrete missing, not an easy patch. But so far has not caused any problems and pool passed inspection without issues.
Trees have been trimmed, sprinklers functioning well.
No other updates.
Architectural Review Committee:
Questions regarding legal authority of SWPOA for unapproved modifications. Many people starting projects without ARC approval. Per By-Laws if home is in violation, SWPOA has ability to correct issue and bill property. All in agreeance that this is not a reasonable solution. Decision made to contact attorneys on case-by-case basis.
Pool phone number 816-214-5234
Bordner event postponed due to Covid19
4th of July Ice Cream event was a great success!
Old Business:
Vanessa to follow up with Crystal regarding updated signage.
New Business:
Joe volunteered to investigate what it takes to get the pool address registered with USPS.
Steve continues to express interest in solar panels, will arrange meeting with expert.
7:51 – Paul motion to adjourn, Crystal seconds