December 2017 Meeting Minutes
Summit Wood Property Owners Association
Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2017
The meeting began at 7:06pm.
Board Members Present: Robert Rives, Doug McCrary, Vanessa King, Jessie Hayles, Paul Brooks, Don Roberts, Steve Chess
Approval of Minutes:
October minutes – Doug motion to approve, Steve second – motion carried, minutes approved.
November minutes – Doug motion to approve, stave second – motion carried, minutes approved.
Debit card to be changed to come out of checking account rather than money market account.
2018 budget adjusted based on $40,840 expected income.
Robert motioned for approval, Doug seconds – motion carried, approved.
Vanessa to send out and post on website.
No updates
Robert motions to continue using Green Acres for mowing and lawncare. Doug seconds – approved.
7732 Breckenridge (and next door residence) needs to finish painting, waiting for better weather. No other updates.
No updates, Jessie to meet with Leah.
No updates
Old Business
Replaced on November 21-22
Secretary of State:
Awaiting accountant to file taxes… Doug to follow up and meet with Vanessa and Julia re: how detailed financial reports need to be. Don suggested an alternate accountant if Julia does not work out. Hopefully will be filed by 12/31
New Business:
Must have President to conduct business, if no business then no bills get paid, if no bills get paid then no pool opening. Robert to resign in January. Doug nominated Steve Chess, Robert seconds. Welcome Steve Chess as President for remainder of 1 year term to end December 31, 2018!
Board Positions:
Positions that need to be filled – Treasurer, Secretary, Board Member
Consider outlining job descriptions of each position…?
Outstanding to-do items:
Doug to look into purchasing loungers, laptop and price pool lock system
Sandy to get formal landscaping bid
Jessie to arrange Google Fiber hook up at the pool
Doug to contact accountant and arrange meeting
The next monthly meeting is January 9, at 7PM.
Motion to adjourn by Robert, Jessie seconds - meeting ended at 8:33pm.